PBS Event Table
Column Datatype Description Example
pbs_event_id bigint unsigned auto_increment Internal unique auto incrementing ID (primary key for UBMoD) 1001
job_id int unsigned not null job identifier used by the resource manager 1134231
job_array_index int not null 123
host varchar(255) not null Fully qualified domain name which the event ran node0.myhost.org
queue varchar(255) The name of the queue in which the job executed debug
user varchar(255) The user name under which the job executed joeuser1
group varchar(255) The group name under which the job executed joegroup1
ctime datetime Time in seconds when job was created (first submitted) 2008-12-09 23:57:43
qtime datetime Time in seconds when job was queued into current queue 2008-12-09 23:57:43
start datetime Time in seconds when job execution started 2008-12-09 23:57:43
end datetime Time in seconds when job ended execution 2008-12-09 23:57:43
etime datetime Time in seconds when job became eligible to run 2008-12-09 23:57:43
exit_status int The exit status of the job. If the value is less than 10000 (decimal) it is the exit value of the top level process of the job, typically the shell. If the value is greater than 10000, the top process exited on a signal whose number is given by subtracting 10000 from the exit value. 0
session int unsigned Optional alternate job identifier 8162
requestor varchar(255) User who requested a job deletion (used for events of type 'D') user@host
jobname varchar(255) The name of the job STDIN
owner varchar(255)
account varchar(255) If job has an "account name" string (not currently used)  
session_id int
error_path varchar(255)
output_path varchar(255)
exec_host text Name of host on which the job is being executed in the format: hostname/cpu+hostname/cpu hostA/1+hostA/0+hostB/1+hostB/0
resources_used_vmem bigint unsigned Amount of virtual mem used in kb 18259364
resources_used_mem bigint unsigned Amount of physical mem used in kb 18259364
resources_used_walltime bigint unsigned Amount of walltime in seconds 4841
resources_used_nodes int unsigned Amount of nodes used 32
resources_used_cpus int unsigned Amount of cpu's used 64
resources_used_cput bigint unsigned Amount of cpu time consumed in seconds 308936
resource_list_nodes text Requested of nodes (take from #PBS -l nodes=XXXX) 32:ppn=2
resource_list_procs text Requested processors (currently not used) 2
resource_list_neednodes text Requested requested (take from #PBS -l nodes=XXXX) currently not used 4:ppn=2
resource_list_pcput bigint unsigned Amount of cpu time allocated to any single process in the job (limit) currently not used  
resource_list_cput bigint unsigned Amount of cpu time requested in seconds (currently not used)  
resource_list_walltime bigint unsigned Amount of walltime requested in seconds (take from: #PBS -l walltime=XXXXX)  
resource_list_ncpus tinyint unsigned Number of cpu's requested (currently not used)  
resource_list_nodect int unsigned Count of nodes requested 4
resource_list_mem bigint unsigned Amount of mem requested (currently not used)  
resource_list_pmem bigint unsigned Amount of physical mem requested (currently not used)