Event Table
Column Datatype Description Example
event_id bigint unsigned Internal unique auto incrementing ID (primary key for UBMoD) 1001
source_format enum('pbs','sge','slurm') Indicates the source (resource manager) of this event pbs
date_key date Date when the event was recorded 2008-12-10
job_id int unsigned Job identifier used by the resource manager 1134231
job_array_index int unsigned The index of the job if it was part of a job array 123
job_name varchar(255) The name of the job STDIN
cluster varchar(255) The name of the cluster where the event ran myhost.org
queue varchar(255) The name of the queue in which the job executed debug
user varchar(255) The user name under which the job executed joeuser1
group varchar(255) The group name under which the job executed joegroup1
tags varchar(255) JSON encoded list of tags assocciated with the job ["tag1","tag2"]
account varchar(255) The account name under which the job was executed account1
start_time datetime Date and time when job execution started 2008-12-09 23:57:43
end_time datetime Date and time when job execution ended 2008-12-09 23:57:43
submission_time datetime Date and time when the job was created 2008-12-09 23:57:43
wallt bigint unsigned Amount of walltime in seconds 4841
cput bigint unsigned Amount of cpu time consumed in seconds 308936
mem bigint unsigned Amount of physical mem used in KiB 18259364
vmem bigint unsigned Amount of virtual mem used in KiB 18259364
wait bigint unsigned The difference between submission and start time in seconds 308936
exect bigint unsigned The difference between start and end time in seconds 308936
nodes int unsigned Amount of nodes used 32
cpus int unsigned Amount of cpu's used 64